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We are among the best in the world for clear, compliant and out-of-the-box user instructions

At INSTRKTIV, our mission goes beyond merely crafting manuals; we actively engage in a partnership with our clients and consistently challenge conventional boundaries with our out-of-the-box thinking.

By doing so, we help our customers to save on printing costs, reduce the environmental impact and increase usability. We know exactly what information needs to be provided in print and what can have a digital form from a legal standpoint.

At INSTRKTIV, we believe that:

  • after all the effort your company has made to develop and market a good product, the one thing you absolutely don’t want is for your customers to have a negative experience when they consult your user instructions;
  • compliance with international legislation on user instructions provides opportunities to expand your business and to keep growing;
  • clear and compliant instructions dramatically reduce your liability and improve the safety of your product.

Our focus is to be clear

We create clear user instructions with an outstanding design that comply with legal requirements.

From offices based in the Netherlands, Germany and the USA, our organization offers tailored expertise for a wide range of products, such as machinery, medical devices, electrical equipment and software products.

Our in-house team consists of legal professionals, usability experts, technical communicators, illustrators, information architects and designers. We also have a solid network of translators and can translate your user manuals into more than 200 languages.

With 15 years of experience, having created over 2,000 user guides and assisting 224 clients around the globe, our company evolved into the world’s standard for clear user instructions.

Design is part of our DNA

Founded in 2006 by Ferry Vermeulen, as an Industrial Design Agency, we soon started to make the user manuals for the products that we designed.

We combined our technical knowledge, legal expertise, design skills and user-centered approach. We wanted user manuals as legal documents, not just as the basis for liability, but also for safe and correct use of products.

Since 2009 user instructions took over completely and we now focus solely on user manuals, allowing us to offer a dedicated world-class service. All day, every day, we work and perfect user manuals.

Innovation, design, technology and usability have remained a core part of our DNA.

Ferry founded INSTRKTIV in 2006. Now, we offer a world-class service – the finest user manuals with rigorous legalization compliance. We have offices in Germany, the Netherlands and the USA. The World’s Standard for User Instructions…that’s us!

We want to have a positive
impact on the planet

We do believe in social responsibility and that we should leave this world a little better than we found it.

Do you want to know how you can reduce the environmental impact of your manuals and save on printing costs? We tell you exactly what information must be included in the packaging and what parts can legally be placed online.

For those who still need to print, we offer CO2 neutral printing options. When you work with INSTRKTIV, you will simultaneously make the world a greener place. For instance, we'll plant a tree for every 100 Euros spent. The trees that are planted by our partners, Eden Reforestation Projects and Bunq, capture 308kg CO2 over their 25 years average lifespan.

We support several sustainable and social projects, such as:

  • Eden Reforestation Projects
  • The Dutch Butterfly Charity
  • The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
  • The Russian LGBT Network
  • Förderkreis
  • The Forest Project
  • The Russian Anti-Corruption Foundation

Our team is fully location independent. We meet online as much as possible.

Our manuals are compliant
and user-friendly

If you want to sell your product safely on the international market, then INSTRKTIV is the right partner for you. Go through our checklist and see where we can help.

Here are a few questions to consider:

  • Do you suspect that your technical documentation may not comply with all legal regulations?
  • Has your product been facing problems with Amazon or Customs, for example, perhaps because of an invalid declaration of conformity, incorrect labeling, or an inaccurate user manual?
  • Do you want to be sure that your customers can use your product safely?
  • Do you lack the capacity to have your documentation ready before you launch your product on the market?
  • Do you want to improve the user experience of your manuals?
  • Do you think you can save costs through better documentation management?

If the answer to any of these questions is “yes”, that is, if you want to optimize the quality of your documentation, then INSTRKTIV is definitely the right match for you.

Companies that choose INSTRKTIV for their user manuals benefit from top of the range design, translation, clarity and legal compliance – choosing INSTRKTIV protects you from legal pitfalls and helps your company to safely succeed.

Do you want to read more? Here’s a pick of our most read blog posts:

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