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Being a Backup Speaker

INSTRKTIV Blog - Law & Legislation

I spent last week in Prague, Czech Republic. I was asked to be a backup speaker at a conference. What does that mean?

It means that the presentation that I submitted was just not good enough to be a 'real speaker'. :)

Does that hurt? Not really. I enjoyed staying the time in a 5-star hotel in Prague city centre. It had a brilliant swimming pool and spa in the cellar of a building that used to be a palace and a bank before it was turned into a hotel. 

The conference was organised by MadCap Software, one of the leading content management systems for authoring, managing and publishing content. 

So what was the topic of my almost accepted presentation? I wanted to talk about how to legally publish user instructions of hardware products online.

It is one of my favourite topics and with our company we have helped tons of clients to digitalise their user instructions by determining what content can be published online and what still must be printed and accompanied with the product. 

Clients include both big brands such as GE, Electrolux, Leitz and Orlaco, but also less known eCommerce stores. We helped some of them saving up to $500.000 on printing costs while creating happier users.

Curious how we can help? I will be presenting about this on November 1st at the STVY Seminar in Finland. Can't attend or wait? Shoot me an email and I will tell you more.


ferry vermeulen

Ferry Vermeulen

Founder of INSTRKTIV and keen to help users become experts in the use of a product, and thus to contribute to a positive user experience. Eager to help organisations to reduce their product liability. Just loves cooking, travel, and music--especially electronic. You can also find him on:
Profile PageLinkedin, Instagram and Twitter!

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