These templates for the technical file help you to gather and structure all your documentation to prove compliance with the requirements. The structure is set up according to the legal requirements on the contents of a technical file and years and years of best practices. Keep your technical file from being a jumbled mess with out proven templates
PLEASE NOTE: These templates for the technical file structure do NOT contain all the documents needed for your product, as every product is unique. But the templates contain a folder structure to help you collect the right documents for your product type.
The technical file is the set of documents that describe a product, device or machine and demonstrate that the product or machine is designed in accordance with the requirements of the relevant directives and regulations.
All produtcs subject to CE marking must have a technical file containing the information to demonstrate that the product complies with CE directives and regulations.
But a technical file must also be created for all non-CE products to demonstrate conformity with other directives such as the General Product Safety Directive, REACH and the Packaging Directive.
The content of the technical file is determined by the relevant directives and regulations: the technical file of a machine (officially called the technical construction file) contains the parts as described in the machinery directive and the technical file of toys as laid down in the toys directive.
PLEASE NOTE: These templates for the technical file structure do NOT contain all the documents needed for your product, as every product is unique. But the templates contain a folder structure to help you collect the right documents for your product type.
All our templates have a 14-day, no-reason-required guarantee. So if you are not satisfied, for any reason, just let us know and we’ll refund your money.
As we truly believe our product will help you create better technical files, we don’t think it’ll come to that.
But as soon as you have any doubts whether our technical file template is the right fit for you, just put your mind at ease. We will help you to get the results you want, or we will give you your money back!
Below you will find the different templates for the vast majority of products that require a technical file. Not sure which template is most suitable for your product? We are here to help! Send us an email to and we will respond within 24 hours.
Template for the technical file for food contact material to comply with regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 on food contact materials.
Please note that different forms of food contact materials may also be covered by their own harmonised regulations, for example for ceramics, plastics. Also directives or regulations for electrical products, measuring equipment or others may apply.
Lothar Naujokat
Director, HANNETS
“The Instruction Manual Template helped our engineers to create the user manuals for our latest product. It contains all the information you need to create your own compliant manuals, so you don’t have to outsource this! It is such a time saver!”
Philip Olsson
“The factory manuals always need to be redone. This was a daunting task for us: we never knew where to begin and at the end we were not sure if the manual did comply. The User Manual Template provides us all relevant information so we can create compliant instructions and decrease our liability.”
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