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tekom Webinar Meet the Expert: Ferry Vermeulen

Wie man gesetzeskonforme Anleitungen erstellt.

tekom, the European Association for Technical Communication, will host a series of webinars, called 'Meet the Expert'.

During the first webinar, I will discuss how you can create information for use that comply with CE marking requirements.

In this webinar, I will outline a step-by-step approach to create compliant user instructions. I will share practical information for each step of my approach.

Following the steps will help to avoid legal pitfalls, decrease liability and create happier and safer users.

Attend this webinar and learn: 
1. How to determine what requirements apply to the instructions for your product
2. How to create better and safer user instructions
3. An short introduction to the new 82079-1:2019 standard for information for use

The webinar will be given on the 28th of June. The duration of the webinar is 45 min. The webinars are going to be recorded but  the webinar archive is for tekom members only. 

Friday 28 June 10 am CET

Are you interested in creating compliant information for use? Our templates can help you. 

ferry vermeulen

Ferry Vermeulen

Gründer von INSTRKTIV und Diplom Ingenieur der Produktinnovation. Möchte Nutzern helfen, die Verwendung eines Produktes zu meistern und so zu einer positiven Nutzererfahrung (UX) beitragen. Möchte Unternehmen helfen, deren Produkthaftung zu verringern. Großer Fan von Kochen, Reisen und insbesondere elektronischer Musik. Auch auf:
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