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Frequently Asked Questions About Our Product, Process and Prices

June 1st 2023 Ferry Vermeulen Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on frequently asked questions about our services. In today's fast-paced digital world, user information play a crucial role in helping customers effectively navigate and utilise products and services. Whether you're a software developer, manufacturer, or service provider, our team of experts is dedicated to crafting clear, concise, and user-friendly manuals tailored to your specific needs. In this article, we address common queries regarding our services, including the process, pricing, communication and more. Read on to discover how we can streamline your user manual creation and enhance the user experience for your customers.

The process

How long does it take to get my manual? 

A simple manual for an easy-to-install product, toy, or low-tech electronic device takes between 4 and 6 weeks to produce. If your product is complex, like a machine or medical device, it could take longer. Services such as translations, online publication, or creating an accompanying AR app take additional time to deliver. Please get in touch with us for an exact indication.

When can I expect an update? 

We communicate all deadlines before the start of a project. This way, you always know where you stand. Should it take longer, we will inform you accordingly.

What can I do to make the process faster?

Many hands make light work, especially when working together. For a smooth run, ensure all the people involved approve drafts on time. For our writers, it is essential that you deliver product information on time and as comprehensively as possible.

Can I make some adjustments?

Yes, we want you to be satisfied with the result. But remember that adjustments made outside the project's scope take time and might result in additional costs. Also, ensure everyone involved in the process reviews the content within the set time frames.

The product

Are the manuals of high quality?

Yes, only the best is good enough. We work according to the highest standards because we strive to create documentation that lasts.

What will the manual look like?

Exactly as you imagined, and perhaps even better. We create your documentation following your corporate identity, but anything is possible. Legal requirements, user-friendliness, and aesthetic value are our highest priorities when creating documentation for your product.

Do you have some examples?

Contact us if you would like to receive some sample manuals by email. You can also check out our website to better understand what to expect.

Can you send me some sample instructions?

Unfortunately, we do not send hardcopy manuals by mail. However, don't hesitate to contact us if you want to receive sample manuals by email. You can also check out our website to better understand what to expect.

Why does the draft look so bad?

Don't panic! It's because it's a draft! We work incrementally to minimise the possibility of errors. When you receive a document that doesn”t look good, it's because you're looking at a draft of the manual's contents – just the text, possibly in combination with the illustrations. We want to get this right before we create the actual design in the next phase of the process. After designing the documentation, we'll put the content and the design together, and voila!


Können wir uns auf Deutsch verständigen?

Sicher, kein Problem! Schicken Sie uns eine E-Mail auf Deutsch und unsere deutschen Kollegen werden sich um Ihre Anfrage kümmern. Bis dann!

Можем ли мы общаться на русском языке?

нет, извините.



How do we communicate?

We communicate by email. But before we kick off, we would like to meet you in person or in an online call. In our experience, working together is more pleasant and efficient when all parties have met. Also, we would like to ask you some questions to understand your product or service as well as possible.

Do I have several contacts or just one?

You will be assigned a project manager to guide you through the creation process. In addition, an assistant might contact you concerning administrative matters. A consultant might support you with legal advice or special requests. Our customer happiness officer might contact you about your experience working with us.

Who are the people working on the manual?

One of our project managers will guide you through the creation process. Under their wings, our technical writers, illustrators, graphic designers, translators, and publishers are busy making your dream come true. We're all looking forward to getting to know you and your product!

Can I communicate directly with the designer?

Your project manager will guide you through the creation process and will liaise with the designer and other creators. In our experience, this is the most efficient way of working. If things remain unclear about the design, we may hop on a call with a designer to clarify matters.

Where are you located?

Our head office is located in Amsterdam, but we have branches in Germany, Great Britain and the United States. In addition, several of our employees work as digital nomads because they live abroad or like to travel. We currently have colleagues working in South Africa, Slovenia, Bali, and Spain!

How big is your company?

Size matters, but it’s only sometimes that big is better. We're a relatively small company, and that's just the way we like it. It makes communication easier and decisions more efficient, and it gives us that fuzzy feeling of being family. Although we are represented in several countries, the team currently consists of approximately 15+ people.

Our prices

What's the price of a user manual?

We have listed several options for you. It's our mission to serve you from start to finish, but we also want to be transparent about all costs in developing a user manual. Therefore, to get our best quote, please describe your needs thoroughly.

How much does it cost to have an online manual?

We have listed several options for you on this page. The price of an online manual depends on your needs. For example, do you want a downloadable PDF for a single product? Or do you need an online database to manage the documentation and translations for multiple products? To give you our best quote, we need to get a good understanding of your requirements.

Do we really need to follow these standards?

Yes, we do. We provide premium quality services and don't settle for less. Following international standards and regulations ensures our manuals are compliant, user-friendly, and well-designed.

Can we make the manual shorter?

There are several ways to make a manual smaller, and still comply with legal requirements. We are happy to advise you on this. However, we remind you that time spent on creating instructions, writing, or designing cannot be undone.

Our other services

I already have a manual. Is my manual OK?

That's great that you already have a manual! We'd love to see what you’ve created. Did you use our templates [link] or our style guide [link]? If you need clarification, we can perform a gap analysis that will tell you precisely which adjustments you need to make. And if necessary, we can make those adjustments for you. Just contact us for more information.

Can we hire one of your technical writers?

Yes, you can. Why don't you contact us? We will do our best to get you the support you need.

Do I need a printed manual?

The obligation to provide a printed manual depends on the kind of product you sell. Please read this article on our website for more information.

Need help? Contact us for more details. We’re here to help you.



Ferry Vermeulen is a technical communication expert and director at INSTRKTIV. It's Ferry’s mission to create digital user instructions for all products in the world. Listen to the INSTRKTIV podcast on Spotify or read one of his latest blog articles

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